Online Tutorials

Annually, NCMIR personnel team with investigators from the National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR) P41 (PI Rommie Amaro) to host a summer training course, entitled "Data to Structural Models."  

This summer training program introduces participants to the theme of multi-scale modeling in subcellular, cell, tissue, and organ biophysics. Participants learn techniques to perform high throughput automatic segmentation of massive microscopy image volumes (as produced at NCMIR) as well as methods for generating high-quality meshes for subcellular to whole organ biomechanics and electrophysiological simulations. This week long program is geared towards early investigators and includes hands-on use of NCMIR and NBCR tools (which can be taken back to participant laboratories).
Videos of the full lectures and tutorials are posted annually to the Bio Big Data Collaborative website and can also be accessed here on YouTube.